Could a robot really be curious? Or experience love? Could a computer plot evil? Some really smart people think machines will achieve not just human but super human consciousness.
Jay Richards: Will Machines Make Humans Obsolete?
Bob Marks: What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Selmer Bringsjord: Why Can’t AI Possess Cognition or Creativity?
John Lennox: Will Technology Take Over?
Google’s Lamda Not As Smart as Some Think
Robert J. Marks
Google suspended an engineer, Blake Lemoine, for claiming that a Google AI project named LaMDA has become “sentient”.
That Robot Is Not Self-Aware
Jay Richards
The way the media cover AI, you’d almost think they had invented being hopelessly naïve.
Will Humans Ever Be Fully Replaceable by AI?
Stephen Berger
We must first determine, what is a person and what is the nature of the universe in which a person can exist?
Podcast: Artificial Intelligence and Humanity
Robert J. Marks with John Lennox
Should robots have rights? What are A.I.’s advantages and threats to humanity? And does theology have anything to say about all of this?
The Latest news and analysis on artificial intelligence from Mind Matters.

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